With race one out of the way maybe we now have a better understanding of who the front-runners are? Especially as they’re on the exact same track in probably identical conditions.
But still lost? Watch Arjen’s review to help you decide with some actual real facts:
So who will win Qatar part 2? Tell us your answer in the comments below and we’ll credit you if you win…and mock you if for some reason you choose Lorenzo Savadori.
So how did you do last time?
Your selected Winner: Jack Miller (38%)
We all got suckered in by the pre-race hype behind Jack and his mega-machine Ducati. Shame we didn’t just cast our minds back a little to take time to study his actual MotoGP results.
Actual Winner: Maverick Viñales (4%)
With just a measly 5 votes it’s fair to say Mav wasn’t a popular favourite for the win. But why would he be? Trying to predict when the Spaniard will next have his head in the right place is like trying to predict which part of a Royal Enfield will break next.
But who were the brave five who predicted this? Let us know now!
Special Mention: I’m just glad I don’t have to listen to Keith Huewen (10%)
In second place with 10% of the votes was this random answer. We thank you MGPN readers for consistently proving it’s far more important to insult people than it is to do anything significant. A fact that holds as true today as it ever has.