The most evil ever? The RC213V, Hitler, Windows Vista and phaal curry go head-to-head

As part of our ‘laugh at Honda week’ we examine if the 2023 HRC bike is the most evil thing ever as we pitch it against three very strong rivals.


Honda RC213V

Simply put the 2023 Honda RC213V is the most evil bike since the four-stroke era.  We’re not at half season yet it’s already hospitalised three out of its four riders leaving a brown-stained path of bone breakage and concussion in its wake.


Evil dictator or misunderstood – the jury’s out but Adolf certainly caused a lot of misery in the early 1940’s.

Windows Vista

Back in the 90’s Windows XP transformed a lot of inexperienced PC users into believing that working with computers could be a relatively straightforward and often enjoyable experience.

Microsoft, however, decided that was the wrong path and gave us Windows Vista.  By including pointless animations and ‘always-on’ screen widgets Windows Vista turned PCs that worked fine into beige paperweights as they struggled to perform even the most basic tasks without grinding to a halt.

Phaal curry

‘Food keeps you alive but the phaal tries to kill you’.  It’s a juxtaposition that’s ultimately ignored by many Brits at the end of an alcohol fuelled night in a curry house.  “Let’s order the hottest thing on the menu”.  What starts out as a laugh soon ends in excruciating pain and anal bleeding…yet is so addictive the poor victims can’t stop eating their way to an early grave.

With the contenders all sorted it’s time to find out which of the horrid foursome is the most evil…

1: Severity of evil damage caused

Honda RC213V

The problem with the RC213V is that it’s very fast and very unpredictable – it’s literally the 2-wheeled version of Maverick Vinales.  It’s this devastating combination of speed and unpredictability that’s seen Marc Marquez and Alex Rins break bones and poor Joan Mir take more hits to the head than Rihanna did in 2009.

All three riders have/are having to miss races through their injuries which may cause permanent damage.  So full marks.



Adolf’s ‘aggressive foreign policy’ certainly caused some upset.  However for a so-called World War most of the planet survived without any, or at most minor injuries.  So not overly impressive.


Windows Vista

The introduction of Windows Vista caused the average user to yell furiously at the screen whilst simultaneously beating their keyboard like a tribal warlord.  A few unfortunate 486 users ended up throwing their PC and/or monitor out of the window which led to injuries below and instant dismissal.

However, in the scheme of things, the severity was minimal.

Phaal curry

Consuming a phaal curry has instant repercussions including (but not limited to) loss of taste, heartbeat irregularities, profuse sweating, loss of eyesight, crippling stomach ache and rectum leakage.

However in most cases the victims survive which makes the experience even worse as the problems of the next 24 to 48 hours manifest.  It’s a slow and excruciating period likened to giving birth at a Coldplay concert.


2: Affected people

Honda RC213V

The 2023 Honda currently has already seriously injured three of its four riders.  That’s an impressive percentage that can’t be ignored.  And it still has half a year left…



With 56 million fatalities Adolf impressively steams back into contention with a great score.


Windows Vista

However full marks go to Windows Vista for managing to cause misery to 330 million users over its disastrous two years – that’s even more depression than Radiohead can manage when releasing a new album.


Phaal curry

Luckily the phaal isn’t often ordered.  For obvious reasons.  In fact it’s usually only ordered by the alpha-male in the group keen to show his clan his manliness and accompanied by mocking of the others for being girls or Welsh.


Long term effects

Honda RC213V

Although we’re not yet sure of the long term damage the RC213V has caused it’s fair to predict that Joan Mir’s career is over, he’ll probably have double vision for the next decade and will be forgotten as a world champion and instead remembered as ‘the guy who was even more shit than Jorge Lorenzo on the Repsol Honda’.



Once Hitler bottled it and shot himself in the kopf Germany surrendered and world peace was restored.  The pragmatic Krauts then realised, with a losing score of 0-2, that world wars probably weren’t their thing.  So Herman and the boys agreed to not pipe-up again and instead got on with building excellent and reliable cars.

So in the end – we all won.

Windows Vista

After two years of Vista Microsoft replaced it with Windows 7 allowing all affected to install their problems to the past.


Phaal curry

‘Long Phaal’, as it’s known medically, is known to cause testicular shrinkage in males due to the affected person’s mates constantly mocking him for his inability to finish a quarter of the dish and for soiling himself whilst crying in the taxi home.


Lovable attributes

(Points deducted for positive characteristics)

Honda RC213V

There’s very little to love about the Honda.  However a percentage of yellow fans are revelling in HRC’s hideous lump as it’s denying Marquez another championship by firing him at the scenery.



With his geeky hairstyle and comedy moustache Austria’s second worst export showed that he had a comedy side and may have just been a ‘loveable rogue’.


Windows Vista



Phaal curry

Whilst the victim of the phaal may be suffering from a bowel prolapse it only adds to the enjoyment of everyone else seeing the cockiest member suffer life-changing internal injuries.  A great end to a great night for the majority.



1st: Honda RC213V


2nd: Windows Vista


3rd: Hitler


4th: Phaal curry


So it’s official, with a  landslide victory, that Honda’s truly awful RC213V is the most evil thing ever.


Who do you think deserves 'most evil' crown?

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