The Moto3 pitlane fracas – was Biaggi behind it all?

The Moto3 race in Aragon saw Max Biaggi’s Sterilgarda Husqvarna Max Team involved in a controversial and somewhat baffling confrontation with the KTM team.

The bizarre incident happened when two of Biaggi’s pitlane goons attempted to stop KTM rider Adrian Fernandez from leaving pitlane in qualifying so he couldn’t follow Ayumu Sasaki and thus gain a slipstream advantage.

However the most shocking aspect of the incident is just how poorly the two prancing-thugs failed in their villainous quest.  At best one mechanic managed to get his hand inside the fairing of the KTM…maybe attempting to change the LCD clock and thus confuse Fernandez into believing he was in a different time zone.  Meanwhile the other Husqvarna chump stands around and then loses his bottle when the KTM mechanic gets angry.

Ultimately both of Biaggi’s men proved as effective as a blockade as a dampened sheet of supermarket own-brand toilet roll.  Indeed so ineffective was their attempt to hinder Fernandez that the KTM rider seemed to hardly notice the pairing at all probably believing Biaggi’s boys were just in fact an insect…which would be ironic given the time Biaggi himself received a black eye from Valentino Rossi in 2001 and claimed he’d been bitten by a mosquito.

After the event both limp-wristed mechanics were fined by IRTA – not for the incident in general but for looking so lame and pathetic on live TV and thus lowering the credibility of the sport.

Biaggi, who after a flight has landed always tries to get his luggage from the overhead compartment before the seatbelt light has gone off, claimed that he knew nothing of the incident and that the mechanics were acting on their own initiative.  Furthermore Max, who always uses a metal fork on a non-stick pan, said the pairing will receive further punishment from him – whether this means having to wash and dry his legendary hairpiece is as of yet unknown.


Did Max Biaggi instigate the KTM blocking incident?

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